My name is Sarah and I'm a cloth diaper-aholic. I've always wanted to cloth diaper my babies. Well, since I found out about them in college. My former youth minster used them on her baby. Yes, as a TCU student I went on many late night internet tangents learning about diapers. Not exactly a party girl, huh? Nothing fed my addiction of cloth diapers than seeing friends' babies with adorable fluffy butts. Wow, that felt good.
Fast forward to August 2010, I found out that I was pregnant. I'm not sure how I broke it to my husband (that we would use cloth diapers of course!). He either actually agreed with me or knew that my heart would break in two if he protested. After months of research and advise from friends, I received my first bundle of joy in the mail in November. From there, I got more lovely packages in the mail. Once Baby B arrived we had a trial and error period of different brands and types. Luckily ,I also found another addiction of selling cloth diapers on e-bay.
At 15 months you'd think I'd be over this addiction, but no, I am switching out my stash and am blogging about it. I have every intention treating my addiction, and maybe this year of staying at home will help. Realistically I know I'll just find ways to make money so I can still get those wonderful packages of fluff in the mail.
Feel free to share your confession by making a comment below, and maybe when this blog is famous ;), I'll be able to look back at this first post and reward my favorite confession with a giveaway.