Monday, October 10, 2011

Give me your tired, your poor... and I will sell them on e-bay!

Some people can take a huddled mass of cloth diapers yearning for breath and give them new life. I'm not one of them.

I made/sewed the curtains, bumper, ottoman and decorations for my daughter's nursery. Everything was coordinated, cute and from the looks of everything well made. The sad reality came when the bumper took a spin in the washer and dryer. My true skills were unveiled from the mask of cuteness.

Now, with this lesson learned, I do not pretend to think my sewing skills will suffice for the wear and tear of my cloth diapers. What's a girl addicted to fluff to do? Well, first add up how much it would cost to get new diapers. Not an option. Go to plan B, get diapers converted to snaps and restored for a reasonable cost. Good contender. Now, for the plan that makes me excited! Find things, old diapers, used baby clothes, the wretched refuse of your house and sell it on e-bay. Take the money you receive in your paypal account from said items, add the amount you would spend on restoring your diapers and whala a new diaper stash. (BTW be sure to purchase your new diapers through paypal so your spouse will never be the wiser to your going ons :) )

Now, I'm not sure I could buy used diapers. Borrow bleached ones from a close friend, yes. Buy them from a perfect stranger no. I however, have no problem selling them to other people. That's just me. No, judgements here. Here's what I've done and learned:

Some diapers I sold were never worn. In this case, I ordered and tried a particular brand in medium, didn't like it and had a bunch of larges on my hands. Lucky for me I got them deeply discounted and actually made money.

Barely used diapers hold their value as well. Much the same scenario, tried a diaper and didn't like it.

I've sold well used diapers, to trim my stash. (I also sold with the intention of using the money to buy different diapers ;) ) Those don't make you as much money but still sell.

I'm honest in explaining the condition of my diapers, how I've used/not used them, and am specific in how I wash them. I've had good results this way.

I'm no Lady Liberty, but I can rest easy at night (and wait in sweet anticipation of new fluff coming in the mail) knowing, I've shown many of the tempest-tost of my household the golden door, e-bay that is!

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